Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Migrating From RunningAHEAD to Dailymile

About a week ago I was asked if dailymile-client could be used to migrate workouts from RunningAHEAD to dailymile.  At the time, the only bulk importing that we supported was nike+ to dailymile (since that was the port I did years ago), but I knew it wouldn't be too hard to add, so I implemented it.  Today, the dailymile-client command line tool (dailymile-cli) was used to import 800+ workouts into dailymile in a matter of seconds!  Here is how to use the latest changes:

  1. Download dailymile-cli-2.1.jar from the download page
  2. Retrieve your oauth token from dailymile, this is how dailymile-cli will be given access to your account (don't worry, it isn't stored anywhere).  
    • If prompted, enter your dailymile login information and then allow access for "Plater's Code Bulk Import"
    •  You will be redirected to an invalid page, that is expected.  Grab the oauth token from the url (it's the long string after access_token=).
  3. From a command prompt, such as cmd or cygwin on Windows, run the executable jar.  Below is an example run with <...> indicating where you need to provide information. You can skip the first few prompts since I provided the oauth url above.
$ java -jar dailymile-cli-2.1.jar
Please enter your client id:
<press enter>
Please enter your redirect url:
<press enter> 
Please open a browser and go to:
<press enter> 
Please enter your oauth token:
<enter oauth token (captured in step 2)>
Please enter the converison type, allowed types: [nikeplus,runningahead]
<enter runningahead>
Please enter full path to input file:
<enter path to file>

If you are looking to do something similar, take a look at dailymile-cli, it might be able to help you out (or at least be extended to do what you need).


  1. thank you for this! It worked like a charm!

  2. The only place I'm getting hung up, is:

    What is the input file? The log.txt that I download from RunningAhead?


    Nathan Nelson

  3. Ok, just figured it out. It's the path to your log.xml file, which you export out of RunningAhead. Thanks, Jeff! Nice work. Just finished importing 442 runs. It's always so nice to find others who work so hard to do this kind of stuff. I just don't have the know-how, so I'm very grateful.

  4. Can you make a video of this or something? I'm completely lost at the command prompt. I type in the command prompt in multiple fashions and nothing... I'm lost.
