Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dailyworkout 1.7.0

Dailyworkout 1.7.0 has been released!

With this release we focused on a few things: navigation updates, more stats, updated icons and some bug fixes.

Navigation Changes

The first thing you will probably notice is that we've reworked some of the navigation between screens.  Let's walk through a few of the changes.

On the 'Home' screen, we've replaced some of the icons that used to be in the upper right corner with a slide out menu.  The menu can be shown/hidden by click on the Dailyworkout icon in the top left corner of the screen.  This new menu makes it easier to get around the application.

Home screen showing the new slide out navigation menu

Similarly, if you are looking at your profile via the 'Profile' screen, the slide out menu is available.

Current user's profile screen with the new slide out menu
Another navigation change you will notice is that we've removed the friends tab from the home screen and replaced it with a summary tab (which we will discuss later).  Access to your friends list is now available via the slide out menu.  Along the same lines, we've decided that certain action bar button (the buttons in the upper right corner) didn't need to be on some pages.  For example, we made it so that the 'add workout' button (which has a new icon, the + sign) only exists on the home screen.  This reduced the clutter on a bunch of screens while still keeping the functionality were the average user needs it.

That's about it for the navigation changes, everywhere else in the application, the navigation works as it did with previous releases.


With this release, we've added some features that will allow users to see how their training, as well as their friend's training, is going.  First, we added a new tab to the home screen - the summary tab

The new summary tab
The summary tab displays workout information for the last week.  It shows the number of workouts you've completed, the total time it took, the total distance and the total number of calories you've burned (if you recorded calories).  It also shows you up to your top five friends that have recorded the most distance this week. All distances are displayed in your preferred units (as set on the settings screen).

The second change we made was add the ability to filter profile entries by date.  Here are a few screenshots that explain what we've added:
No filter applied, shows all of Dailyworkout's entries
Clicking on the filtering icon opens up the filter dialog

Dailyworkout's entries, filtered to only show workouts from 9/11/12
As you can see, we've made it so that you can now see entries record in a given time range.  This makes it easier for you to go back and see what entries you put in last week, last month or even last year!  In future releases we plan to add more filtering options as well as add filtering to more screens.

Icon Updates

As you move around the application you will notice that we've update the icons.  Nothing major, just be aware that while the '+' used to mean "request as a friend", it now mean "add an entry".

Bug Fixes

Finally, we fixed a few bugs.  We looked at all the bug reports filed by users and fixed any that we were able to reproduce.  We also cleaned up some Android version compatibility issues that we found along the way.

We are very excited about this release and hope you all enjoy it.  Let us know what you think and happy training!

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