Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Apps Page

It's official, Dailyworkout is now listed on dailymile's apps page!  Check it out at http://www.dailymile.com/apps#android

Friday, September 14, 2012

Dailyworkout v1.7 Demo Video

Just created a short demo video showing some of what you can do with Dailyworkout

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dailyworkout 1.7.0

Dailyworkout 1.7.0 has been released!

With this release we focused on a few things: navigation updates, more stats, updated icons and some bug fixes.

Navigation Changes

The first thing you will probably notice is that we've reworked some of the navigation between screens.  Let's walk through a few of the changes.

On the 'Home' screen, we've replaced some of the icons that used to be in the upper right corner with a slide out menu.  The menu can be shown/hidden by click on the Dailyworkout icon in the top left corner of the screen.  This new menu makes it easier to get around the application.

Home screen showing the new slide out navigation menu

Similarly, if you are looking at your profile via the 'Profile' screen, the slide out menu is available.

Current user's profile screen with the new slide out menu
Another navigation change you will notice is that we've removed the friends tab from the home screen and replaced it with a summary tab (which we will discuss later).  Access to your friends list is now available via the slide out menu.  Along the same lines, we've decided that certain action bar button (the buttons in the upper right corner) didn't need to be on some pages.  For example, we made it so that the 'add workout' button (which has a new icon, the + sign) only exists on the home screen.  This reduced the clutter on a bunch of screens while still keeping the functionality were the average user needs it.

That's about it for the navigation changes, everywhere else in the application, the navigation works as it did with previous releases.


With this release, we've added some features that will allow users to see how their training, as well as their friend's training, is going.  First, we added a new tab to the home screen - the summary tab

The new summary tab
The summary tab displays workout information for the last week.  It shows the number of workouts you've completed, the total time it took, the total distance and the total number of calories you've burned (if you recorded calories).  It also shows you up to your top five friends that have recorded the most distance this week. All distances are displayed in your preferred units (as set on the settings screen).

The second change we made was add the ability to filter profile entries by date.  Here are a few screenshots that explain what we've added:
No filter applied, shows all of Dailyworkout's entries
Clicking on the filtering icon opens up the filter dialog

Dailyworkout's entries, filtered to only show workouts from 9/11/12
As you can see, we've made it so that you can now see entries record in a given time range.  This makes it easier for you to go back and see what entries you put in last week, last month or even last year!  In future releases we plan to add more filtering options as well as add filtering to more screens.

Icon Updates

As you move around the application you will notice that we've update the icons.  Nothing major, just be aware that while the '+' used to mean "request as a friend", it now mean "add an entry".

Bug Fixes

Finally, we fixed a few bugs.  We looked at all the bug reports filed by users and fixed any that we were able to reproduce.  We also cleaned up some Android version compatibility issues that we found along the way.

We are very excited about this release and hope you all enjoy it.  Let us know what you think and happy training!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Authentication Issue

Over the past few months we've had a few users have issues with the authentication step when they first install Dailyworkout.  It seems as though some browsers have issues sending the authentication token back to Dailyworkout.  The two scenarios we've seen are:

Scenario 1:
When I turn on the app, I get a window saying that Dailyworkout needs to access dailymile, and I'm then asked to log on to to dailymile. So far, so good. 
However, I then get a message saying "You do not have permission to open this page. x-dailyworkout://callback#access_token=......"

The issue here was that the user was using a third party browser (miren) to access that dailymile webpage.  Once they removed Miren or chose to use the default Android browser to access the page, the authentication callback started working.

Scenario 2:
When the program starts, I get the initial page "We need to redirect you to dailymile to get access", I click OK. Then Login to daily mile.  Then when I get the page that says "dailyworkout has requested permission to access your account on daily mile.  there are 2 buttons, allow and deny. I push allow, but nothing happens. 
This issue sounded similar to the previous scenario but this time they were using the default browser and unlike the first scenario, nothing was loading, not even an error message.  The user installed another browser (dolphin hd) and tried using the new browser to open the dailymile page, this time it worked.

So, if you get stuck on the authentication callback (mind you, only a few of our users have), try one of these solutions and see if it helps out.  Once authentication is complete, you will never have to do it again (unless you logout).  If neither of these help, let us know, we're happy to help resolve any issues!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Dailyworkout Stats

Thought I would share some stats about Dailyworkout, since Google and dailymile.com make them so readily available!

This first chart shows the different versions of Android that Dailyworkout is running on.

Android Versions
If you are wondering if Dailyworkout has been installed on your device, this next chart shows some of the devices that have installed Dailyworkout (unfortunately a large number of our installs seem to have fallen into the "Others" category)
This final chart shows that Dailyworkout's usage is continuing to grow.  It's important to know that this is only showing authenticated requests and not all requests made via Dailyworkout require user authentication (since lots of dailymile's data is public), so in theory the usage is even higher!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dailyworkout 1.3

Dailyworkout 1.3 has been released!

This is release is an iterative release, by this we mean we added some functionality that we plan on expanding on in a future release.  Without further ado here is what was added:

  • Dailymile links can now be opened using Dailyworkout
    • Now when you get an email from dailymile saying "John Doe commented on the workout you posted!" you can click on the link and open the entry using Dailyworkout.
    • This currently works for entry and profile links
  • You can now take a picture and attach it to a note
    • A camera button has been added to the new note screen.  Clicking on it will open your phone's camera.  Once you take the picture and accept it, it will be able to be upload with the note.
      • Note, photos currently can't be rotated so make sure you take it using the correct orientation
    • Currently this is the only way to upload pictures, we will add support for adding from the gallery in a future release
  • Clicking on a picture on the entry detail screen now opens the picture in a new screen.
  • Partial "like" functionality has been added.
    • You can now see the number of "likes" an entry has
    • You can now "like" an entry from the entry detail screen by clicking on the "thumbs up" icon in the top right corner

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Next Version of Dailyworkout

We are actively working the next version of Dailyworkout and hope to have it out by the beginning of next week.  This release we are focusing on ideas submitted via our feedback site, we will be implementing the four ideas described here: http://platerscode.ideascale.com/a/ideafactory.do?mode=recent&tag=dailyworkout-1.3

Got something you'd like to have added to Dailyworkout, check our ideas page (http://platerscode.ideascale.com) and either add it or vote for it if it is already there!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dailyworkout 1.2 Released!

Dailyworkout v1.2 was released last night.  You can see what was included by going to


We are already moving on to v1.3 so vote for what you would like to see added!

Monday, March 26, 2012

New Feeback Page!

Today we created an Idea Scale page to replace our simple feedback form. The new page allows you to provide feedback, vote for new feature requests and see what we are currently working on. Check it out and let us know what you think!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Update is Coming

We are still working hard on the next release of Dailyworkout. All the features mentioned in the previous post will be in there as well as some bonus features/changes! Stay tuned for more information.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sneak Peek

The next release of Dailyworkout is going to focus on the social aspects of dailymile.  Here is a quick sneak peak at the latest features we are working on.
  • Find People
    • Search for people by their name, username, email, etc
  • Add Friend
    • Send a friend request
  • Like
    • Ability to like entries/comments
  • Popular Stream
    • New tab on the home screen that will show the popular stream in a manner similar to the user and friends stream

Look for these features (and possibly more!) in the next week or so.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Demo Video

We just recorded a brief video walking you through Dailyworkout's features.  Take a look and let us know what you think!

Minor Dailyworkout Update Released

Today we pushed out a minor update for Dailyworkout.  The new release addresses an issue discovered where large entries took up the whole entry details screen preventing users from seeing the comments section.  In the latest release, a scroll bar has been added to the entry details screen, allowing users to see all content.

Let us know if you have any issues!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

One Week In The Books

Today marks one week on the market for Dailyworkout and while we haven't seen tons of downloads (yet) our users appear to be happy!  Here is a sample of what they are saying:

"for people who have android phones... definitely recommend checking out this app. It's the 1st and best app I've found for checking out and being social on dailymile whilst also being able to post workouts without using the browser. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pc.dailyworkout"

"Just grabbed the app and so far it's what I've been looking for"

"I've been waiting for a Dailymile app and this one delivers! Great job dev!"

"Finally, an Android app for dailymile! Full featured and very well done."

"for daily mile addicts who also have android phones I recommend checking out  from @platers_code"

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Migrating From RunningAHEAD to Dailymile

About a week ago I was asked if dailymile-client could be used to migrate workouts from RunningAHEAD to dailymile.  At the time, the only bulk importing that we supported was nike+ to dailymile (since that was the port I did years ago), but I knew it wouldn't be too hard to add, so I implemented it.  Today, the dailymile-client command line tool (dailymile-cli) was used to import 800+ workouts into dailymile in a matter of seconds!  Here is how to use the latest changes:

  1. Download dailymile-cli-2.1.jar from the download page
  2. Retrieve your oauth token from dailymile, this is how dailymile-cli will be given access to your account (don't worry, it isn't stored anywhere).  
    • If prompted, enter your dailymile login information and then allow access for "Plater's Code Bulk Import"
    •  You will be redirected to an invalid page, that is expected.  Grab the oauth token from the url (it's the long string after access_token=).
  3. From a command prompt, such as cmd or cygwin on Windows, run the executable jar.  Below is an example run with <...> indicating where you need to provide information. You can skip the first few prompts since I provided the oauth url above.
$ java -jar dailymile-cli-2.1.jar
Please enter your client id:
<press enter>
Please enter your redirect url:
<press enter> 
Please open a browser and go to:
<press enter> 
Please enter your oauth token:
<enter oauth token (captured in step 2)>
Please enter the converison type, allowed types: [nikeplus,runningahead]
<enter runningahead>
Please enter full path to input file:
<enter path to file>

If you are looking to do something similar, take a look at dailymile-cli, it might be able to help you out (or at least be extended to do what you need).

Dailyworkout has been released!

Dailyworkout, an Android Application for dailymile.com, is now available in the Android market!
Available in Android Market